Setup of Client Applications
S.No. Name of the Component Link
1 Outlook Addin Setup



Installation Instructions:

Carry out the following steps to install Outlook Addin on your machine:

  1. Download and Unarchive

    • Click on the file link to download.

    • Once the download is complete, click on the downloaded zip file to open it in WinRAR.

    • Right Click on the SPOutlookAddin Setup folder and from the menu select 'Extract to the Specified Folder' option.

    • Select a folder on your machine where you'd like to save your setup.

    • Setup should be seen saved sucessfully.


  2. Run Setup and Install

    • Double Click on the SPOutlookAddinSetup folder to open it.

    • Click on the Setup.EXE file to run the setup.

    • In the License Agreement dialog, click on Accept.

    • A User Information dialog should be displayed. Enter your Company name and click Next.

    • If a message 'Service could not be deleted' is displayed, just click Ok. Setup should continue installation.

    • If your Outlook Application is open and in use, a message should prompt you to close the application. Once done, Press 'Yes' on the dialog to Continue.

    • Setup should only take a few moments to finish installation.

    • If a 'Read Only File Detected' dialog is displayed, check the checkbox for 'Don't display this message again' and click on Yes.

    • Once the Installation is complete, a message should be displayed as 'PSAN Outlook Addin setup was successful'. Press Ok.


  3. Launch Outlook and Login to PSAN 

    • Launch the Outlook application on your machine. In the Ribbon tabs on the top, click on the Add-Ins option to view the PSAN Outlook Addin.

    • Click on 'PSAN' and select the 'Login' option.

    • In the Login dialog, click on Advanced Options. PSAN Server name should already be seen set as ''.

    • From the PSAN Application drop down, select your product type, say for e.g 'Talenture RS' and click on Save.

    • In the Login dialog, enter your PSAN Id and Password and click on Login.

    • Login should be successful.


  4. Further Details

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